About TeachBeyond

I am joining with TeachBeyond, an organization that not only sends missionaries around the globe, but is the founding organization of the Black Forest Academy. It is one of the key mission agencies that specializes in education as a platform for ministry around the world. 

Watch a Video about TeachBeyond's Vision
Why is Education so Important in Missions?

The name TeachBeyond best captures in two simple words our understanding of the Great Commission in Matthew 28, in which Jesus says, “go and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you.” The word "beyond" suggests not only crossing geographical and cultural boundaries, but also indicates further dimensions to the way teaching in a Christian education context is understood and practiced. The name reflects both what our organizational mission is as well as our challenge to teachers to "think beyond" their current context, encourage their growth as transformational educators, inspire them to get involved, and help them go where God is taking them.

Our vision is to be an instrument of redemptive change through transformational education – an education grounded in Judeo-Christian values that equips students to reach their full potential as human beings. It is a vision for global impact, building bridges between peoples and cultures.

As followers of Jesus we are an international organization providing transformational education to children and adults. We offer teaching and learning services to all regardless of gender, ethnicity, or religion in order to promote holistic personal growth and enduring social benefit.

Information quoted from www.teachbeyond.org
Visit their website to learn more!