Saturday, July 19, 2014

Fill-a-Box Challenge!

Update: I am now at 57% of my goal! Amazing!
I am so thankful for my supporters who have agreed to continue
their monthly giving for another year, and for those who have
recently decided to partner with me!

Can you help me get back to Germany for one more year? 

I need to raise $2000 a month before my missions organization will give me the
stamp of approval to return for the new school year.

My challenge to you is simple. 
Can you help me continue to love, teach, and show God's love to my missionary and German students for one year? Can you fill in a box on my monthly support chart? Can you fill in two? Three? 

Setting up automatic online giving is easy, and tax deductible!
Just click here and you will be taken directly to my mission organization's giving website.

You can be an active participant in the work that God is doing in Germany through transformative education!