Monday, August 4, 2014


I must say, it's been quite a busy summer! I've had the opportunity to see many friends and supporters, catch up on life, and share about what God is doing in Germany through education. It's the longest continuous time I've been in the states since I left for Germany two years ago, and it's been lovely.

1) My garage sale was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who helped, either by bringing items, stopping by for a visit, or praying for us. The days we chose turned out to be the hottest we've had yet (upper 90s), but people still came, and we made a total of $880! I mom and I had to count it twice because we didn't believe it at first. The highlight of the two days was when a German man, about my age, came with his girlfriend- they randomly decided to stop by on their drive up to Seattle when they saw my signs for the sale. They had been vacationing in California. It was so fun to talk to them about Germany, and to find common ground between us. God is most certainly our provider. Even in something as simple as a garage sale. :) 

2) I had the chance to talk about my ministry at my church, InRoads, two Sundays ago before both services. I was a little nervous to be up in front of everyone with all eyes on me (I prefer being in front of the little people I teach more) but God gave me the words to say and everything went smoothly! It was such an encouragement to talk to people from my church and share about what I'm doing in Germany. 

3) I had a lovely open house a few weeks ago! It was a smaller group, which I prefer because it gave me the chance to talk to everyone. I so appreciate everyone who came, and I'm so glad that we were able to catch up! 

4) I'm still making and selling mugs to help raise support! They're only $6 each, and I will design you anything you like! I've been having the best time making all of these- it's given me a creative outlet this summer. :) Just let me know what you'd like it to say or what you'd like me to attempt to draw! 

5) Support update: I've been blessed by all of the encouragement, prayers, and outpouring of financial support the past two years, and this summer has been no exception! While it's been a great summer, I am beginning to feel ready to get back and begin the new school year. I'm scheduled to leave on August 20th, but my missions organization will not allow me to do so until I have 90% of my necessary support. While this is difficult news to hear, as I'm anxious to get back to my other home, I appreciate their care and concern for my needs once I'm there. In order to reach 90%, I need $500 more a month in pledges, or enough one-time gifts to add up to that amount. As with each time I've had to raise funding, it seems like a lot, but I've learned that when God wants you to be somewhere or do something, the resources tend to come out of the woodwork and make everything possible. I've also learned that it tends to come together at the last minute. So I'm making an active choice not to worry, but to instead trust that He is mighty enough to take care of my needs.

So I invite you personally to help. My updated support chart below breaks down my monthly needs into manageable chunks. Are you able to help me return to Germany to live and teach there for one more year? Can you fill in a box on my chart? 

To put the amounts into perspective: 
$10 is less than the price of two grande lattes at Starbucks. 
$25 is less than the price of two movie tickets with popcorn.    
$50 is less than the cost of a dinner for two at a nicer restaurant.
$100 is the amount that's easily spent when you go to Target to purchase some hand soap. ;) 

I would love for you to join my support team! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at I'd be happy to answer them! 

It's very easy to donate- just click on the link on the upper right hand corner, or I can send you a paper form that can be mailed to my missions organization. All gifts are tax deductible!